Kavya: the student who walked a dozen others into school

In 2016, the Karnataka operations of eVidyaloka had its humble beginnings with the Dharwad center with the partnership of an organization named Vidya Poshak. They helped establish eVidyaloka Digital Classrooms in rural government schools.

This was a program from eVidyaloka which would identify government schools and then set up digital classrooms in the school for students of 5th to the 8th grade. In the year 2020, with the onset of the Covid -19 pandemic, education was gravely affected. To overcome this challenge, eVidyaloka launched its VidyaGanga program which introduced Digital Schools that were not dependent on the school infrastructure. Children could now access education from anywhere.

Students attending a class on eVidyaloka Digital School

Vidya Poshak being dedicated to the cause of providing quality education, began the pilot study with 6 schools. The organization was very supportive throughout the process. Today there are 33 digital schools established by Vidya Poshak. Also, an assessment was done at the end of the pilot study which showed that all students secured 90% and above in the subjects of Maths, Science, and English.

The Digital Schools are operated hands on by Digital School Managers. At Vidya Poshak, we find that interns manage the digital schools for their respective villages. These interns are college-going students who want to give back to their villages and communities. One school, in particular, is known as Kavya VP Digital school (VP stands for Vidya Poshak). The Digital School Manager named Kavya identified students from the 5th -8th grade. There were about 10 students enrolled and they came from a low socio-economic background, parents being daily wage labourers. Kavya set up some space at her own house where a smartphone served as the Digital School. Students would visit her house four times a week to attend their classes.

Kavya is a college-going student. She intends to give back to society. She is therefore currently interning with Vidya Poshak who pay a stipend to their interns. She has received much appreciation for her work from her college as well.

To support the education of more children in rural India, click here to donate: https://www.evidyaloka.org/sponsor