The most often question asked someone hears about eVidyaloka story is – “How do you find these remote villages ? ” You may have to travel a lot, to these places” etc
Let me list the Excitements and Challenges here as bullets. Limiting the scope to Infrastructure.
* The problem we think from here as insurmountable, gets resolved in a jiffy by the local partner
* Just do an online transfer and the Digital classroom gets setup, over a phone call
* When the local contact, gets the BSNL guy and digs up that cable to fix it, you feel like reached the peak of Mt. Everest
* Above all, when you go a Centre live, without even visiting once and it runs for more than 6 months – Trust and Equities are amazing
* When the remote person, struggles to get the Screen share working in Skype 🙂
* Is the Audio jack inserted in the Mic socket ?
* I can charge the inverter, if I even have 4 continuous hours of power during anytime of the day
* Bakri margaya, dhafana diye te, aur usme Broadband cable cut gaya saar
* The helplessness the local person face, in the time, BSNL and power disruption, in Rains and when the children don’t simply turn up 🙂
It has been so easy to identify the remote locations, through sheer references and requests from different people, the real challenge is promoting accountability and reliability in the local management. While there is a phenomenal level of commitment and adoption is displayed.